Thursday 23 October 2008

Hair Loss Treatments for Men

Hair loss is a very common problem and the number of proven treatments is limited. Propecia is one of those hair loss treatments that has gone through extensive clincial trials and shown some significant results.

Read more on the hair treatments for men on the Hair Treatment website.

Monday 6 October 2008

Hair Loss Tablets

There are many hair loss products & treatments that lay claim to grow your hair back or stop further hair loss, just search through google and you will come across hundreds. But there is only a few products that don't just claim but are actually proven to grow your hair back.

Propecia: The most common hair loss tablet on the market today, has been approved by the FDA and has also gone through clinic trials proving not only can it stop hair from falling out. It also can re-grow hair that has been lost.

Regaine(minoxidil): or Rogaine as its know in America, has also been approved by the FDA. This treatment does not need a prescription and can be bought from your local chemist to your supermarket. It is a topical lotion which has also been proven to stop hair loss in clinical trials.

These two products are the only to proven products which are sold worldwide today, Im sure more hair treatment tablets will come on the market soon.