Monday, 18 July 2011

Bald you could try these to reverse hair loss

Everyone wants a full head of healthy hair. But, some people start losing their hair at a very young age.
Baldness is a condition in which a person experiences excessive hair loss from scalp. People may suffer from partial hair loss or full hair loss.  

Here are some Indian ayurvedic techniques that may help millions of people suffering from this problem:

1. Take two cups of water and add two spoon trifala powder to it. Boil it. Filter it and let the solution cool. Apply this water over your scalp and keep it for 5 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo. If you are suffering from dandruff then use neem leaves powder instead of trifala. 

2. Apply amla paste on your scalp and wash off after 20 minutes. Your hair will get stronger. Apply oil before going to sleep. Tie a towel dipped in hot water (squeeze the water) around your head in the morning. Wash off after 5 minutes. 

3. Take half a bowl of heena and add warm milk and ayurvedic oil to it. Mix it well. Cool this paste and apply it on the scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash with ayurvedic shampoo.

However for a more medical approach you could buy propecia online and combine it with regaine foam as they have both been proven to reverse the balding process.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Diet influences female hair loss

"Cuckoo” crash and yo-yo diets are to blame for female hair loss, according to Institute of Trichologists.
The Institute of Trichologists has said that diet can play a large big role in female hair loss.

Chairman Marilyn Sherlock said that women most commonly experienced hair loss when they have an iron deficiency or are dieting.

"By dieting, I don't mean dieting sensibly, I mean crash dieting. And because of the hair growth cycle - if hair is suddenly damaged by lack of proper nutrients, it's three months before it falls out," he explained.

The expert promoted balanced diets, saying that good hair growth requires not only protein and iron but a variety of other nutrients.

Mr Sherlock said: "So, if you eat lots of meat, for example, you've got protein and iron in one package, so you would expect it to be good for hair growth. But, unless you eat carbohydrates, it'll go straight through you because you can't absorb it."

The chairman blamed the growing popularity of "cuckoo diets" that were nutritionally unsound for causing unexpected hair loss.

For further information on Female hair loss please click the highlighted link at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Food For Healthier Hair & hair Loss

If your receding hairline and bald spot are giving you nightmares, here are a few foods that can help keep your hair in good condition. Men are as touchy about hair loss as women and it’s a sensitive subject, one that raises many concerns and results in paranoid treatments and extreme measures. Before you start losing sleep over hair loss and book appointments with Trichologists or buy Propecia, take a closer look at what you're eating. 

It's not just the eyes; Vitamin A-rich carrots provide excellent nourishment for the scalp. A healthy scalp ensures shiny, well-conditioned hair that is strengthened and moisturized. An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like the Indian salmon and low-fat dairy are great boosters for healthy hair.


If your hair suffers from dryness, thinning, stiffness, discoloration or hair fall, depleting reserves of iron might be the culprit. Prunes are known to be great sources of iron and greatly help improve the quality of hair. Also ensure you get plenty of green vegetables and beetroots in your diet in addition to prunes.

Green peas

Although green peas are not rich in antioxidants or any specific vitamin or mineral, they contain a well-balanced amount of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and B group vitamins. These are essential for maintaining healthy hair.


Not only are oats loaded with fibre that helps maintain a healthy heart and bowels, they also contain a high concentration of other essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and omega-6 fatty acids. Together, these are also knows as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Omega-6 fatty acids in particular are essential to maintain normal skin, hair growth and development. Since this essential ingredient is only obtained through the diet, make sure your breakfast includes a bowl of oatmeal every few days in the week.


While red meats are best avoided in excess, finding an appropriate substitute for proteins might be a little difficult for those looking to build muscle etc. Alternatively, of the wide variety of sea food available, shrimps are a great substitute. They not only go excellently well in a number of curries and pastas, their potent concentration of Vitamin B12, iron, zinc contain all the necessary nourishment to prevent hair loss.


Not to be outdone by the oats, walnuts are one of the most hair friendly nuts in the category. Not only do walnuts have more omega-6 fatty acids than any other food, but they're also full of zinc, iron, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), and plenty of protein. However, a word of caution, walnuts also contain a small trace of selenium, a mineral known to cause hair loss in people who are selenium-deficient or have way too much in their system. So a handful of nuts over the week should tide you over without much trouble.


For a head full of healthy hair, the egg is probably one of your best friends. It's loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids in large amounts. Being deficient in any of these vitamins and minerals is known to result in poor quality of hair. In addition it's also a good source for biotin (Vitamin B7) which is a great aid to fight hair loss.

Low fat dairy products

Low-fat dairy products like skimmed milk and yogurt are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources. Add a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese to your snack list and to help prevent hair loss, stir in a few tablespoons of flaxseed or walnuts for your required dose of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc.

Hairy mistakes
Here are a few common mistakes that severely damage hair
- Excessive stress and some medication are conclusively known to reduce hair growth and promote hair loss.
- Cut down on the use of hair spray, hair gels, and styling creams that contain harsh chemical ingredients, which can dry out the scalp and cause the formation of flakes. Also harsh treatments such as perms, colours, relaxers etc take a toll on the health of your hair.
- Avoid changing your shampoo and conditioner constantly. Stick to one good mild cleansing shampoo for six months before changing.
- Excessive exposure to the sun, pollution, rain water and dust without proper protection makes the hair dry, brittle and limp. Use a live in conditioner during the rains to protect it from the humidity and wash and oil it regularly to maintain a healthy scalp.