Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Georgetown boy donates hair to Locks of Love

Nine-year-old Trevor Drillis, a third grader at the Penn Brook School, has a whole new look after getting more than 10 inches of hair cut off two weeks ago at Karen’s Barber Shop.

Drillis, who suffered through strangers thinking he was a girl for many months due to his long locks, didn’t mind the confusion because he knew his hair would be used to create a wig for a child suffering from hair loss due to diseases like cancer.


Zola's Hair Loss

GIANFRANCO Zola yesterday claimed he had picked up five years’ experience in his traumatic 18 months as boss of troubled West Ham.

But the Italian said his testing time had helped make him as a manager – even if it had put years on him and accelerated his hair loss.

The Italian even joked rival managers who told him he was going to have a good time at Upton Park needed their heads examined.



FASHION-conscious women who copy hair extensions sported by stars such as X Factor judge Cheryl Cole and Victoria Beckham risk developing bald spots.

Girls as young as 20 are having to undergo surgery after suffering “traction alopecia”. This is hair loss caused when extensions exert constant tension over a long period on the scalp and hair follicles.

Some women are left with permanent bald spots. Hair restoration surgeon Dr Bessam Farjo said: “Hair transplant surgery may seem like an extreme solution but it can be the only way to restore hair permanently.”

Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston said recently: “Nothing destroys your hair faster than extensions.”

Friday, 22 January 2010

The Bald Truth About Hair Transplant

If you're a man who is losing his hair, you have plenty of company.

Two-thirds of men in the UK will have some degree of appreciable hair loss by age 22, according to the American Hair Loss Association. And roughly 85 percent of U.S. men have significantly thinning hair by age 50.

Male pattern baldness, known medically as androgenetic alopecia, is responsible for more than 95 percent of hair loss in men. Twenty-five percent of men start down the road toward baldness before they hit age 21. And it's a hard thing to accept in a society where your appearance counts and youth is valued.

Of course, you can blame your tendency to lose hair on your genes and to male sex hormones, which cause hair follicles over time to shrink in size and produce hair that's shorter, thinner and lighter in color. As the miniaturization of men's hair follicles continues, the follicle gets so small that no hair can grow inside of it.

As hair loss becomes more noticeable, men may start thinking about what they can do about it. Acceptance is one way to deal with hair loss, but it's unlikely to be a first choice and, more likely, to be a last resort.

An over-the-counter hair restoration product, such as Rogaine, might be tried to see if it can help preserve the hair you've got. There is also a prescription drug, a pill called Propecia, that you can ask our doctors about. It may help prevent hair loss and encourage some regrowth as well.

Some men look into everything from laser combs and hair pieces to specialized shampoos and surgical restoration, but for most Propecia is the only medication that works the best. http://www.hairtreatment4u.co.uk/buy-propecia.html

Author reveals battle with hair loss

"I used to look in the mirror and see myself as alien, a freak, a baby, unattractive and unfeminine," confesses Berkhamsted author Sue Hampton.

The mother-of-two, of Lincoln Court, was constantly plagued by Alopecia- a condition that causes hair loss and has no cure.

Her latest book, Waterhouse Girl, which is her sixth to be published, is founded on her experience with baldness.

If you are suffering from female hair loss please visit our website for more information http://www.hairtreatment4u.co.uk/female-hair-loss.html