Our glorious hair. We sometime shave, curl, spike, dreadlock, blow dry, braid, and spray it within an inch of it’s life. We spend untold money on hair care products. Not to mention the world is awash in so called healthy hair tips, myths and misconceptions. Let’s discuss a few of them.
Hair Misconception #1: A stress filled life leads directly to subsequent hair loss.
Reality: It’s a fact we are all losing hair daily. Whether we are stressed to the max or not. On average you lose anywhere between 35 to 135 hairs each day. So maybe a few more strands might fall out if you're all tense and stressed out. But unless you have been pulling your hair out by the roots, it will all grow back!
Hair Misconception #2: Using several shampoos keeps your hair healthy.
Reality: Of the so called healthy hair tips this one makes me laugh it’s so far fetched. Hair doesn’t remember what shampoo was used on it last. It’s basically just dead cells. So how’s it gonna know what kind of shampoo you’re using? But it is true that people with different hair types need to use shampoos suited to their type of hair. Focus on that rather than rotating shampoo.
Hair Misconception #3: There's nothing you can do for fine hair to keep it from going limp.
Reality: Two words: Hot rollers. They make it easy to add body to fine hair. Afterwards just apply mousse and brush out well.
Hair Misconception #4: Coloring is hard on your hair.
Reality: Nonsense! If that was the case most hair stylists would be out of a job. Coloring is safe if you know what you’re doing and follow the instructions to the letter. (That’s one of the healthy hair tips to remember.)
It also helps to use gentle coloring products and conditioners and shampoos specifically designed for colored hair. In fact it’s wise to use extra conditioner whenever you wash your colored hair.
Hair Misconception #5: Pull a gray hair and it will be replaced by more than one.
Reality: Ever heard that? No way is that true. Still you should never pull out hair by the roots. You can scar yourself or you might develop a scalp infection trying that. It’s better to banish the gray by coloring your hair.
Hair Misconception #6: All hair reacts to humidity in the same way.
If you have curly hair you don’t need me to point out that this is a big lie. Once the humidity hits it, uncontrollable curls or worse, the dreaded frizzys results. To strike back you need a product that will lock down the cuticle layer. One that blocks out unwanted moisture. So look for styling products with words like anti-humectant, smoothing, anti-humidity on the label.
Hair Misconception #7: It’s best to shampoo twice for clean hair.
Reality: This is just not so. In fact over use of shampoos can damage your hair. Unless your hair is extremely oily shampooing once should suffice.
How about those seven healthy hair care tips?How about if we continue our discussion of healthy hair care tips with an overview about how to go about the task of repair of damaged hair.
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How about if we continue our discussion of healthy hair care tips with an overview about how to go about the task of repair of damaged hair.